DICE Roundup 7 June

State Department Yields on PC’s From China (New York Times, 2006) . . . . .Lenovo is partly owned by the Chinese government, which holds 27 percent. “This is a company owned and beholden to agencies of the People’s Republic of China,” Mr. Wortzel said. “Our assumption is that if the Chinese intelligence agencies could […]
DICEMAN in Peoria

DICE Man Ray Semko was in Peoria, Illinois last month giving a D*I*C*E briefing to the community, sponsored by CIAN (http://www.ciancenter.com/) which provides Data Center, Security and Network Services in the central Illinois area. He had a great time, was glad to be back and here’s how it went: http://www.ciancenter.com/news/the-return-of-the-dice-man-was-a-success/ The Return of the D*I*C*E Man […]
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