Target executive apologizes at Senate hearing for security breach

When you don’t invest in security, it’s always too late to say you’re sorry.

(Reuters) A senior official at Target Corp told U.S. lawmakers on Tuesday the retailer was “deeply sorry” for the massive data breach it suffered over the holiday shopping period, and said it was determined to win back customers’ trust.

In prepared testimony for his appearance before a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing probing the data breaches, John Mulligan, Target chief financial officer and executive vice president, said the cyber attack “has only strengthened our resolve.

“We will learn from this incident and, as a result, we hope to make Target, and our industry, more secure for customers in the future,” he said. . . .

. . . . “I want to say how deeply sorry we are for the impact this incident has had on our guests – your constituents,” Mulligan told the committee in his prepared remarks. “We know this breach has shaken their confidence in Target, and we are determined to work very hard to earn it back.” . . .

Oh NOW security is important:

. . . Mulligan said the company had taken a number of steps since the breach to strengthen its security, including a review of its entire network, increased fraud detection for its Target REDcare holders and accelerated investment in chip technology for its REDcards. . . . (read more)

Target, Neiman Marcus executives apologize for data breach (Fox)

Big banks and retailers played the blame game Tuesday as the heads of both industries tried to shift the responsibility over a series of big breaches in consumer data that left millions of Americans exposed to online theft.

But before the finger-pointing began, Target Executive Vice President John Mulligan started his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee with an apology. . . .(read more)

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