“They Had a Photo of My Children”: The Jeffery Delisle Case, Part II

(NOIR For USA) If it was former Canadian Navy Sub-Lieutenant Jeffery Delisle’s intention to free himself of the burden of his financial troubles and to take some decisive action to counter his sense of helplessness when faced with the collapse of his marriage, any relief he may have felt after volunteering his services to the […]
Social media could become part of security clearance process

(Federal News Radio) For the past six months, the Director of National Intelligence has been trying to determine whether the government should do Google searches on people who hold security clearances. Their question: Could publicly available information — the type that pops up when you type a name into a search box — tip off […]
Russian government gathers intelligence with malware

(CNET) The Russian government uses malware to extract sensitive information from companies and governments, not for financial gain but for intelligence gathering, according a new report by FireEye. Malicious software designed to steal sensitive information from businesses and foreign governments is made in Russia and supported by the Russian government, a security research firm reported Tuesday. […]
Sophisticated Chinese cyberespionage group identified

(Washington Post) A coalition of security researchers has identified a Chinese cyberespionage group that appears to be the most sophisticated of any publicly known Chinese hacker unit and targets not only U.S. and Western government agencies but also dissidents inside and outside China. . . . . . . In a new report issued Tuesday, […]
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