DIA Video About Jonathan Pollard Case

This 14 minute video “Jonathan Pollard: A Portrayal” produced by DIA’s Threat Countermeasures Branch. A US intelligence analyst, Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 after he was caught selling large amounts of highly classified documents to Israel. The video encourages American government employees to overcome inhibitions and proactively report suspicious activities. Actors portray “Susan” […]
US Army soldier charged with attempted espionage

BAD DICE: A 22-year-old US Army military policeman, Specialist William Colton Millay, has been formally charged with attempted espionage. According to Reuters, Millay “knowingly making false statements to Army Counterintelligence officials regarding the full scope of his attempts to contact foreign governments and the nature of information he disclosed. He is also accused of soliciting […]
BAD DICE: Jonathan Pollard – a spy for Australia?

It’s time to start calling them like we see them: Good Dice and Bad Dice. The first Bad Dice has to be Jonathan Pollard. It’s been revealed that when Pollard first starting spying, he provided classified information to — AUSTRALIA! But they turned him down so he tried another country, Israel, to see if he […]
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